Shoe of the Day | Yellow Ladybird Andrea Boots

Dynelle Skinner | Tuesday, December 04, 2012 | 0 comments

While attending a Korean textile trade show, I was surprised but extremely ecstatic to be introduced to new amazing footwear brands. The above avant-garde boot is just a preview of the amazing footwear styles from the Korean shoe label, Yellow Ladybird, which is designed by Young-Long, Hwang. The above Yellow Ladybird Andrea Boots, a delightful black mesh and bold red suede with gold accents, features strategically placed cut-outs on the vamp, a black crystallized 5" stiletto heel with 1" island platform and gold toe cap.

While the brand is not available in the US yet (Saks may pick it up - fingers crossed), you can order this and many other styles on the website. They have an option for international shipping (just click on the flag). I look forward to showing you more from this international label.

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